Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Invisible Man

When I was growing up, stuff would come up missing in the house, moved, broken, etc. When this happened, my mom always asked "Who did it?" Jessica (my lil sis) and I would always say "Not me!". So my mom would be sarcastic and say "Oh, I guess the Invisible Man did it!?. Jess and I would make jokes about it, laugh and keep it moving. (If I did it, I always fessed up...I think ;) Anywho. I just want to let the world know he is real....The Invisible Man.

He is living in my house, eating food, moving stuff around and I believe he taking our things and selling them to make money at yard sales on Saturdays. He needs to be paying rent. It would be easier on me and Branden if the rent was split 3 ways with the cost of gas. By the way, that's Branden's housecoat he has on!!!! Let me tell you what he has done.

  • He moved my towel everyday this weekend. Everytime I went to bathe, I couldn't find it.
  • He took my black sports bra and I know he let his girlfriend, The Invisible Woman, wear it before he returned it.
  • My Just Wright dvd went missing....oh that was Branden. He didn't want me looking at Common too much lol!
  • Ok....my pink hand weights have disappeared. Now I'm mad about them because I really use them. Give me my weights back PUNK!!!
  • Branden's cross color shirt that I despise...um yeah... that wasn't The Invisible Man
  • Those plastic bowls and forks B has had since freshaman year...personally, he can have those
  • Towels that have clorox stains on them that Branden claims his grandma gave him...
  • The charger for my Nook is gone toO and he eats my yogurt
  And he has done much more@! Branden claims he doesn't know where half of my stuff is and is always saying I have too much of everything...I think they are in cahoots with each other...


  1. he must have a brother because he's at my house taking/hiding stuff...So i believe in the Invisible Man..he threw away my favorite socks, you know the socks that look like gloves...my sons and husband hate them...When you catch him let me know because I want my stuff back too....(i paid good money for that stuff)

  2. I knew he was real!!! They have a a whole family!! They always hide my lipgloss and it never appears until I buy a new one then they all appear....In my car. I think the invisible teenager lives here and drives my car while I'm sleep!!! Leave us ALONE Invisa Family!!!!

    Mori Lynn

  3. I am so weak from laughing right now!!!
