Friday, March 18, 2011

10/52: Morning

I know I'm a week off but today's sunrise was beautiful! I'm looking forward to this warm weather!
Happy Friday

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The Invisible Man

When I was growing up, stuff would come up missing in the house, moved, broken, etc. When this happened, my mom always asked "Who did it?" Jessica (my lil sis) and I would always say "Not me!". So my mom would be sarcastic and say "Oh, I guess the Invisible Man did it!?. Jess and I would make jokes about it, laugh and keep it moving. (If I did it, I always fessed up...I think ;) Anywho. I just want to let the world know he is real....The Invisible Man.

He is living in my house, eating food, moving stuff around and I believe he taking our things and selling them to make money at yard sales on Saturdays. He needs to be paying rent. It would be easier on me and Branden if the rent was split 3 ways with the cost of gas. By the way, that's Branden's housecoat he has on!!!! Let me tell you what he has done.

  • He moved my towel everyday this weekend. Everytime I went to bathe, I couldn't find it.
  • He took my black sports bra and I know he let his girlfriend, The Invisible Woman, wear it before he returned it.
  • My Just Wright dvd went missing....oh that was Branden. He didn't want me looking at Common too much lol!
  • pink hand weights have disappeared. Now I'm mad about them because I really use them. Give me my weights back PUNK!!!
  • Branden's cross color shirt that I yeah... that wasn't The Invisible Man
  • Those plastic bowls and forks B has had since freshaman year...personally, he can have those
  • Towels that have clorox stains on them that Branden claims his grandma gave him...
  • The charger for my Nook is gone toO and he eats my yogurt
  And he has done much more@! Branden claims he doesn't know where half of my stuff is and is always saying I have too much of everything...I think they are in cahoots with each other...

Friday, March 4, 2011

Date Night!

We typically have date night on the weekends. They range from movies to painting :) Tonight I didn't have to dress up. I got to wear one of my Alabama t-shirts and my Sperrys.

I am a book junkie. Reading is my crack. I could read all day and not touch my remote. Honey made a good choice!

I gathered my books and settled in a chair with my Green Tea Latte. It was yummy!

I usually go to Books A Million because it's closer to the house. I like them too because I read alot of christian fiction and they have a section just for African American fiction. (makes the books easier to find)  I was walking around aimlessly and found this book. I only got to read for an hour but it was a great book. "God grant me the Serenity" by Adrienne Fox. Guess what?! She is a graduate of the University of Alabama! Roll Tide!

This was a simple yet fun date. Oh and we ate at Purple Onion afterwards.

What are some of the things you like to do on date night?

Project 52

I saw this on a blog I read and I thought it was cool. Basically, you take a picture for every week of the year. Yes you got!.... hence Project 52. Each week has a theme. Mine are coming soon. I know, I am so late.

Here are the themes for the 52 weeks of 2011

Week 1 - Black & White
Week 2 - Food
Week 3 - Self Portrait
Week 4 - Reflection
Week 5 - Ennui
Week 6 - Red
Week 7 - Time
Week 8 - Pink
Week 9 - Patterns
Week 10 - Morning
Week 11 - Round
Week 12 - Hands
Week 13 - Shine
Week 14 - Envy
Week 15 - Soft
Week 16 - Perspective
Week 17 - Love
Week 18 - Start
Week 19 - Free
Week 20 - Texture
Week 21 - Toys
Week 22 - Downtown
Week 23 - Summer
Week 24 - Heat
Week 25 - Fantasy
Week 26 - Water
Week 27 - Shadows
Week 28 - Light
Week 29 - Night
Week 30 - Macro
Week 31 - Nature
Week 32 - Clothes

Week 33 - Green
Week 34 - Map
Week 35 - Laughter
Week 36 - Child(ren)
Week 37 - Yellow
Week 38 - Candy
Week 39 - Pets
Week 40 - Never Ending
Week 41 - Sports
Week 42 - Books
Week 43 - Blue
Week 44 - Letter of the Alphabet
Week 45 - Innocence
Week 46 - Most Important Thing in Life
Week 47 - Heaps
Week 48 - Family
Week 49 - Favorite Spot
Week 50 - Metal
Week 51 - Three
Week 52 - Fun