Monday, February 28, 2011

a WeDDing, bAbY shOWER, and bIRF'day party!!!

This is what I've been up to....
My sand Kristen married Mr Steele on January 15th. She looked gorgeous and I'm so happy for them!

So pretty!

All of Radiance with the bride

Stuck between 2 Jolly Green Giants...they are cute though!

My cousin Ray and his wife Shelly are having a baby. Little Asher should be here soon. If Mommy gets her wish, he'll be here next week

I'm squatting so Asher can be seen

Mom and I

Our friend Kandis just turned the Big 3-0! Which really means she's fifteen if 40 is the new twenty:)  We had a ball at The Wine Loft!

The bIrF'day girl is in the purple

Jay looked like he was from Bad Boy records so I had to be trill wit him...
"Take that, Take that!"


1 comment:

  1. AWWWW! You put the pics from my party!!!!! =) and I LOVE blog from today about the invisible man!!!! SO TRUE!!!! I think he hops from house to house taking things.... ;) Love you!
