My sand Kristen married Mr Steele on January 15th. She looked gorgeous and I'm so happy for them!
All of Radiance with the bride
Stuck between 2 Jolly Green Giants...they are cute though!
My cousin Ray and his wife Shelly are having a baby. Little Asher should be here soon. If Mommy gets her wish, he'll be here next week
My cousin Ray and his wife Shelly are having a baby. Little Asher should be here soon. If Mommy gets her wish, he'll be here next week
I'm squatting so Asher can be seen
Mom and I
Our friend Kandis just turned the Big 3-0! Which really means she's fifteen if 40 is the new twenty:) We had a ball at The Wine Loft!
The bIrF'day girl is in the purple
Jay looked like he was from Bad Boy records so I had to be trill wit him...
"Take that, Take that!"
AWWWW! You put the pics from my party!!!!! =) and I LOVE blog from today about the invisible man!!!! SO TRUE!!!! I think he hops from house to house taking things.... ;) Love you!