Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Branden is so extra

Ok. We were sitting on the couch discussing our day. Someone knocked on the door. Now what Branden said about not having visitors much is true. I figured maybe I left the lights on in my car and a neighbor was letting us know. (It happens, gotta do better) So I went to the peephole and glanced. All I saw was that the guy was short and he wasn't a familiar face. I went and sat back down on the couch.
First of all, I had no idea he was a Mormon. I didn't look at his clothes nor notice anything on his hands. I also did not see his amigo through the peephole. They probably decided it would be best if one of them hide around the corner and appeared once people opened their door. Secondly, Branden didn't fibb, he straight up lied to them folks! I guess his word selection of fibb is suppose to make it better....NOPE! He was like "Hey man, me and my wife about to eat. Could you circle around and come back to us?" Now Branden knew he was not gonna open the door if they came back. Next, Branden told these folks his name was Darryl. And I quote from straight from his words "I don't know why I chose Darryl..." Uhhhh, that's my Dad's name.
I did not set him out. He lied to the Mormons. Shame on you Branden. The next time they come to the house and they ask for Darryl, my whole face is going to twist up. "Sorry sir but nobody named Darryl lives here."


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