It all started with a message on MySpace...Next came "I do!" This blog is about our journey after the ceremony, friends, the disagreements, convos that start like "Why didn't you start the dishwasher?", family, and waking up next to the person God created just for me. Basically.....tRuE lIfE: We're newlyweds!

Friday, May 27, 2011
Time lapse
Love, Peace & Zumba
BTW: I wrote this on the 17th...just now posting! SORRY!
Friday, March 18, 2011
10/52: Morning
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
The Invisible Man
- He moved my towel everyday this weekend. Everytime I went to bathe, I couldn't find it.
- He took my black sports bra and I know he let his girlfriend, The Invisible Woman, wear it before he returned it.
- My Just Wright dvd went missing....oh that was Branden. He didn't want me looking at Common too much lol!
- pink hand weights have disappeared. Now I'm mad about them because I really use them. Give me my weights back PUNK!!!
- Branden's cross color shirt that I yeah... that wasn't The Invisible Man
- Those plastic bowls and forks B has had since freshaman year...personally, he can have those
- Towels that have clorox stains on them that Branden claims his grandma gave him...
- The charger for my Nook is gone toO and he eats my yogurt
Friday, March 4, 2011
Date Night!
I usually go to Books A Million because it's closer to the house. I like them too because I read alot of christian fiction and they have a section just for African American fiction. (makes the books easier to find) I was walking around aimlessly and found this book. I only got to read for an hour but it was a great book. "God grant me the Serenity" by Adrienne Fox. Guess what?! She is a graduate of the University of Alabama! Roll Tide!
Project 52
Here are the themes for the 52 weeks of 2011
Week 1 - Black & White
Week 2 - Food
Week 3 - Self Portrait
Week 4 - Reflection
Week 5 - Ennui
Week 6 - Red
Week 7 - Time
Week 8 - Pink
Week 9 - Patterns
Week 10 - Morning
Week 11 - Round
Week 12 - Hands
Week 13 - Shine
Week 14 - Envy
Week 15 - Soft
Week 16 - Perspective
Week 17 - Love
Week 18 - Start
Week 19 - Free
Week 20 - Texture
Week 21 - Toys
Week 22 - Downtown
Week 23 - SummerWeek 24 - Heat
Week 25 - Fantasy
Week 26 - Water
Week 27 - Shadows
Week 28 - Light
Week 29 - Night
Week 30 - Macro
Week 31 - Nature
Week 32 - Clothes
Week 33 - Green
Week 34 - Map
Week 35 - Laughter
Week 36 - Child(ren)
Week 37 - Yellow
Week 38 - Candy
Week 39 - Pets
Week 40 - Never Ending
Week 41 - Sports
Week 42 - Books
Week 43 - Blue
Week 44 - Letter of the Alphabet
Week 45 - Innocence
Week 46 - Most Important Thing in Life
Week 47 - Heaps
Week 48 - Family
Week 49 - Favorite Spot
Week 50 - Metal
Week 51 - Three
Week 52 - Fun
Monday, February 28, 2011
a WeDDing, bAbY shOWER, and bIRF'day party!!!
My sand Kristen married Mr Steele on January 15th. She looked gorgeous and I'm so happy for them!
My cousin Ray and his wife Shelly are having a baby. Little Asher should be here soon. If Mommy gets her wish, he'll be here next week
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
How do men know?
However, these guys are asking me, "how did you know it was time"? Here is a secret ladies, we contemplate the possibilities at first sight. Some guys play very aggressive, and some sit back and observe. However, here is the order:
- Visual
- Communication
- Personality
First we look at your appearance and how you carry yourself. Second, a five minute conversation is usually all that it takes to gain interest. From there, we gage compatibility based on personalities.
Here is a another secret, it doesn't take a man long to make his interest known. He may not show it in the way that you desire. He may not know your love language yet. However, he will make his interest known. At week 2, he knows how far he wants to take the relationship. This may be shocking information, but it's not brain surgery. That doesn't mean that you wait two weeks and ask the man what he is thinking. In his way, he starts treating you the way HE thinks his woman should be treated. At this point, wheels are in motion and future possibilities are being discovered mentally.
My turning point for know that Torrie was the one came very quickly. After about 4 weeks, I couldn't wait to talk to her on the phone. I would wait for her free nights and weekends to hit so I could call and stay on the phone with her until 3 in the morning. It felt like I was in middle school, and my girlfriend went to another school. We only saw each other on the weekend. I was upset when Sunday left, and Friday didn't come fast enough. I realized once she moved to Birmingham, that I didn't remember life before her. That's deep because it had not been a long courtship. However, the turnaround was right in line with God's timing and the purity of the relationship was evident by the smell of spring in the air.
Women, he will come to you. If he wants you, he will do what is necessary to obtain you. Be smart. Don't fall for ignorance, however recognize sincerity.
The Love Guru
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
At the beginning of 2009, I decided I was tired of the dating game and I was ready to settle down. During the fast, I prayed for my husband. I told him that I loved him and that I missed him and I couldn't wait to spend forever with him :) Remember, I had not met Branden face to face yet. I told everybody close to me that I my husband was about to find me. What I didn't know was 50 miles away during the same fast, Branden was praying for me. We were praying for each other. We had the same vision, same hope and dream... a family. By the end of the year, Branden and I were engaged. I am blessed that even before Branden and I shared a meal together, he was getting himself ready for me and being faithful to God.
All that brings me to the topic. A friend I grew up with has been dating a guy for 3 years. For two of those years, things were basically on his terms. When he was angry, they were angry. When he didn't want to talk, they did not talk, etc. She got tired and broke up with him. Eight months later, he's ready to be together. He's open-minded, willing to sacrifice and ready to settle down. It's been four months since he got his mind right and is ready to come back. Yet, she doesn't know if it's enough. She was ready to be with him forever years ago and now that they have and sometime apart she's not sure if he's "The One". Also, some of her family and friends are in her ear telling her 'He's a great guy now! Get over the past!"
Readers: What does this situation say about our male and female counterparts? ..Do you get the choice to choose or you do you have to be chosen?
Friday, February 11, 2011
Quick Take 1
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Japan Bound
I met Holly through my now soror Amanda in the spring of 2005. We became fast friends when she transferred to UA in the fall. I immediately loved being around her because she was so positive, optimistic, always full of joy and could she the light in any situation. The next year in August, I gave my life to Christ and got baptized. My family didn't really go to church growing up so I had no idea what to do next. Holly grabbed my hand and showed me how to walk this thing out. The more she taught me, the more I understood where her joy came from and how she could always stay hopeful....~"The world did not give to me so the world can't take it away".~ Without her teaching me about God and his son Jesus, I don't know where I would be. I am so grateful that her family gave her that knowledge so she could make it known to me. If Holly's family is not sure of anything else in the world, they should know that they molded her into an awesome human being.
...I went to the Kappa party during homecoming with my boot on thought you the couch was swallowing you
...we went to all the football games!! Roll Tide!! and Chrishauna came to eat at your apt and we ate all the rice
...Judy demonstrated Tyra's bobble head while we were in Bryce Lawn
...Grandma Bett cooked us shrimp, chicken and fries at midnight hated me singing "Show Stoppin'"
...Victoria would eat one fry and make us feel fat
...I bought the coloring books so we could take a mental break from boys
...I had those frames piled up broken in one corner in my living room...."Wanna talk about it?" bawled when I told you the military would be good for you
...Josh referred to someone as "geek gone greek"
...we saw the Flava Flav look alike on the strip scrapped me off the floor when I didn't make line the first time
... you realized Ryan was "The One"
Holly, you and me have been through alot of storms together. But it's all sunshine and rainbows with Mr Wonderful! I will admit that I am kinda sad to see you go but I am so excited about what God is going to do through you and FOR YOU! The both of you are world changers! You and Ryan have been called to touch the nations. Remember God does not send everyone but He has handpicked you...."Hollery, we're gonna miss you~!" Don't cry ;)
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
The incredible, unedible egg
This morning I go to boil a couple of eggs for breakfast and to my surprise, I find three more empty egg shells. We had this conversation on Monday, it is now Wednesday. Additionally there is only one egg left in the carton. Did I mention that I found this out after I started filling the pot with water? Now after this post, she will probably forth and mention things that I do that she is aggravated with as well. For example, hair in the sink, leaving the toilet seat up, and etc. I am well aware of these faults and I am working toward becoming a better man.
However, don't trick me into to thinking I have eggs and break my heart when I find out the carton is empty. It's like finding out Santa Clause isn't real all over again.
Friday, February 4, 2011
Heaven Sent
Everything I mentioned about Branden is great. But there is one thing he does that nothing else compares to. He prays for me. I remember a couple of months into us dating, I texted Branden and told him "Thank you for praying for me. I feel the walls coming down." I was on my way to work. Me and a couple of co workers were commuting at the time and I just felt a sense of peace about us. Branden asked how I knew he was praying and I responded "Daddy told me."
Our pastor said that no one can pray for your spouse the way that you can. You two are now one. When we bow our heads and touch in agreement, I feel the doors of heaven open up. It can be for guidance, healing, reassurance or whatever. After he does, I feel hopeful and so blessed that I have married a man that knows the power of prayer. I am thankful that Branden prayed for me "then"....because he did, we have a "now".
James 5:16 "
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Branden is so extra
First of all, I had no idea he was a Mormon. I didn't look at his clothes nor notice anything on his hands. I also did not see his amigo through the peephole. They probably decided it would be best if one of them hide around the corner and appeared once people opened their door. Secondly, Branden didn't fibb, he straight up lied to them folks! I guess his word selection of fibb is suppose to make it better....NOPE! He was like "Hey man, me and my wife about to eat. Could you circle around and come back to us?" Now Branden knew he was not gonna open the door if they came back. Next, Branden told these folks his name was Darryl. And I quote from straight from his words "I don't know why I chose Darryl..." Uhhhh, that's my Dad's name.
I did not set him out. He lied to the Mormons. Shame on you Branden. The next time they come to the house and they ask for Darryl, my whole face is going to twist up. "Sorry sir but nobody named Darryl lives here."
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
You ain't gonna believe this...
Because we live in Trussville, we rarely receive pop up visitors. So this evening, we're sitting on the couch recapping the day, and there is a knock at the door. My wife runs to the door and looks out the peep hole. She turns to me and says there is some short guy at the door. I go to the door and the Mormons are standing in the breezeway. There are two things that strike me about this situation.
First of all, one of the guys is of African American decent. It was the first time I have ever encountered a Black Mormon. I guess Al Sharpton will have to eat his words in reference to Glen Beck. Secondly, these are the guys that ride around on bikes. It was raining like crazy today. I'm dedicated to Jesus, but I would think he'd understand if I didn't want to ride the bike out in the rain.
So after surveying the situation I feel bad. Once I realized they were Mormons, I immediately fibbed. I told them that my wife and I were about to eat dinner, and we couldn't talk at the moment. We hadn't even ordered the pizza yet. The guy asked my name and I immediately belted out "Darryl". I don't know why I chose Darryl or why that name was even on my mind, but it just came out.
Finally, my wife didn't think it necessary to tell me that they were Mormons so that we could ignore the knock together. Now my helpmate sent me to the door to talk to the guys instead of letting the knocks go unanswered. She set me out. Under pressure I folded and lost all religion. "Jesus, please forgive me for lying to the nice young gentlemen". Lesson learned: You better call before you come, or else we ain't answering the door.
How I met your mother follow up
However, we are newly weds. there are times when I watch this woman get dressed and I feel like the luckiest man in the world. (Even if it does take 5 hours). There are other times when I feel like putting a muzzle on her mouth and setting the release timer. (I kid, I kid)
We are from two different places. We are learning how to grow together and understand the other's belief system. The funniest thing about this whole process are the people that we encounter. It's similar to when we were in college, and everyone you talked to asked you "how's school'. The generic response was "it's fine". You could be going through all hell at the moment, and wouldn't let on to anything being wrong. Well, married life is similar. All of your single friends ask "how's married life", as if I'm going to respond with negative aspects. However, the genuine individuals will ask to gain insight into situations in their own life. We're having fun. We're going to go through something things. But this is the best move I ever made.
Monday, January 31, 2011
It all started on MySpace
I was a twenty-something, University of Alabama graduate, pursing my masters at the time through Troy University. I checked my messages that morning and this is what was in my inbox. The date was July 2, 2008
Nice photos, how are you?
I replied
im good how are you?
I'm good babygirl. So I was reading your profile and this is what I gathered. You're a GI Jane, Prissy Diva, with a Condolisa mindset. I really dont know if that
****** This was the start of us. Branden was real iffy and didn't return messages for weeks at a time. My guess is he had a girlfriend and/or he was used to females sweating him....Everyone that knows me knows I don't follow up behind a man. Til this day he denies both (go figure). I went about my way, dated a bit, and reconnected with Branden May of 2009. He asked me on a date, I agreed, and cancelled via text message. (He's still salty about that!) A month passed by and he called again. We went on our first date the first weekend in June. Now..........mind you, I thought Branden attended UA. I saw pics of him in Alabama championship t shirts, on campus, and with several Kappas or so I thought, from UA . I did not find out until our 3rd date that he went to Jacksonville State. I was terrified. He could have been a serial killer. I figured I knew him in passing since we were friends on myspace....WRONG! Branden McCain was a complete stranger. After I proceeded to wipe the cheese off of my chin after this revelation, I figured if he hadn't drove me to an empty field yet and cut me up, he wasn't going to. This is how I know this was God. If I would have known we didn't attend the same college, I would have never went out with him. Period. God knows I'm a scary cat so He did what He needed to do to make me and this wonderful man meet. So....first date June, I moved to Birmingham in August for my current job, and Branden asked me to be his forever December 26th . I became "The Mrs" August 7th 2010.
Whenever we tell people where we met, the reaction is priceless. And they always say "I didn't believe those people on the commercials!" It's true. People meet on the internet and marry. We are those people and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Don't limit yourself on how love finds you. You never know what could happen! :)